screaming flea theatre
Friday, March 03, 2006
Photos From Caravan
We were in a state of constant activity, a contrast to the peaceful and magical quality of the Caravan Farm in winter.
Billy even learned to walk on stilts under the skillful direction of Paul T. Tormatha stayed with us a few days. She took many of these photos and was a constant supportive presence. Thanks Tormatha.
Photos From Caravan 2
Our stay at The Caravan was a total collaborative effort. We lived and worked communally, rehearsing, writing, keeping all the fires going, and making sure we had some downtime too. Hanging out with the Clydesdales, GT racing and Texas Hold Em Poker were fun ways to unwind. Also we got really drunk one night and ran through the woods. That wasn't such a good idea.
More Photos From Caravan
When five artists decided to live and work communally for two weeks on a farm in winter, things can get pretty kooky. And to be honest, we were all going a little crazy, but that's okay because we know that we are crazy and we rehearse crazy and so if we're gonna go there, we might as well go there. . .
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